Saturday, November 30, 2013

Week 13 Prompt 3 #62

62.For want of a nail the shoe was lost. For want of a shoethe horse was lost. For want of a horse the rider was lost. For want of a rider the battle was lost. For want of a battle the kingdom was lost. And all for the wantof a horseshoe nail.

One thing you cannot go without when trying to drive somewhere is your keys. Personally, I lock my keys in my vehicle about 8 times a year on average. In my last vehicle I did not have a keypad on the outside of my door to get in if I locked my keys. So, one day I had planned so many things to do with my best friend: Leave at 9AM to start shopping, lunch at Applebee's by 11, then get to work on time which was at 3. When walking out to my car on a early and cool November morning, I realized my keys were locked and rested on my drivers seat.

Almost like a flash before my eyes, I saw all my plans for the day wiz through my sight and gone in an instant and out of my reach. A nice fun day planned before work and I couldn't fulfill it. For the need to drive, I was lost as to where my keys were. For the want to drive, my plans were ruined. Therefore, no new clothes for work were purchased and I was late to work. All for locking my keys in my car.

1 comment:

  1. Eight times a year!!!! Yikes! My wife did it once and still refuses to lock the car electronically, insisting on using the KEY manually inserted into the door's KEYHOLE so as to be sure she has the damn thing with her!
